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60 months
0 SEK10 %
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Chip truck Volvo FH16

Make & model:
Volvo FH 16
Object number:

Broker rating

A nice truck that looks well maintained
Continuously serviced by Rolf Ericson Lastvagnar

Technical information

Volvo FH16 Chipper

Make: Volvo
Model: FH16
Vehicle year: 2016 (withdrawn 2017)
Owner: 1
Chassis number: YV2R0P0C3HA796586
Mileage: 691196 km
Emission class: EURO 6
Fuel: Diesel
Engine power: 552kw / 751 hp
Gearbox: Automatic
Annual tax: 500 SEK / year
Road tax: 13592 SEK / year
Inspected last: 2024-07-31
Exhaust gas directive/regulation: 595/2009*627/2014C

Dimensions & Weight
Length: 10050 mm
Width: 2600 mm
Height: 4305 mm
Service weight (actual weight): 13050 kg
Max load weight: 14950 kg
Total weight: 28000 kg
Original total weight: 28000 kg
Tax weight: 28000 kg
Permitted load weight: 14950 kg
Rear overhang: 2520 mm
Length of load compartment: 7300 mm

Number of axles: 3
Number of wheels: 8
Road-friendly suspension: YES

- Globertrotter cabin XXL for two people
- Four-point cab suspension, air suspension all around
- Winterplus insulated -30c
- Digital tachograph
- Built-in scale for cargo
- Portable flatbed/scale control
- Driver's seat Premium with cooling fan
- Central locking
- Electric lifts
- AC
- Diesel heater
- Sleeper cabin two seats
- Radio, stereo Premium
- Refrigerator
- Micro
- TV
- Built-in scale for cargo/cage

- Comradio not included
- Continuously serviced by Rolf Ericson Lastvagnar

- Crack in the front window, inspected, not 2nd
- Alu beam behind / below the driver's door hit by truck, see picture.

Responsible Broker: Glenn Ohlsson
Tel no: 073 027 24 54
Mail: glenn.ohlsson@maskinera.se
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