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Bud (9st)TimeBidders
30 000 SEK5
28 000 SEK1
26 000 SEK3
24 000 SEK4


60 months
3 000 SEK10 %
Approximate monthly cost
The final monthly cost is individual and is determined after a credit check. The calculation is based on a 10% residual value. Read more about financing.

Lawn mower Toro Timecutter ZS 5000

Make & model:
Toro Timecutter ZS 5000
Object number:

Broker rating

Incredibly nice condition, there are no remarks on this machine.
Only 1 previous user who has taken good care of it.
Stored indoors all the time.

Technical information

Lawn mower Toro Timecutter ZS 5000

Make: Toro
Model: Timecutter ZS 5000
Part number: 74661
Year: 2017/2018
Cutting width: 127 cm
Cutting system: Recycler, side discharge, 3 blades
Engine: Toro V-Twin, 708cc
Drive system: Dual hydrostatic - Hydrogear ZT2100
Cutting height: 38-114 mm
Front wheels: 13x5 patterned
Rear wheels: 18x9,5
Turning radius: 0 degrees
Fuel tank: 11,3 liters
Starting system: Electric start

- Quick cleaning
- Electric connection of the mowing unit
- Deluxe seat with armrest
- Adjustable cutting height from the driver's seat
- Cup holder
- Towing eye
- Smartspeed
- Electric parking brake

Load assistance available on site!
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