• Ends:
Closed auction

Reservation price not reached

25% VAT will be added to the bid and the entry fee (1 700 SEK excl. VAT).
Bud (10st)TimeBidders
18 000 SEK4
A16 000 SEK3
16 000 SEK4
A14 000 SEK3


60 months
1 800 SEK10 %
Approximate monthly cost
The final monthly cost is individual and is determined after a credit check. The calculation is based on a 10% residual value. Read more about financing.

Lastbil Volvo FL-240 4x2

Make & model:
Volvo FL-240
Object number:

Broker rating

Fin lastbil med stort skåp och bakgavellyft. Utrustad med säng för att kunna ta vila en stund mellan transporterna.

Technical information

Lastbil Volvo FL-240 4x2

Fabrikat: Volvo
Modell: FL-240
Årsmodell: 2006
Chassinr: YV2TBM0A46B442449
Motoreffekt: 177kw / 244hk
Motortyp: Diesel
Växellåda: Manuell

Mått & vikt:
Tjänstevikt 7790 kg
Totalvikt 16000 kg
Lastvikt max 8210 kg
Längd: 9450 mm
Bredd: 2550 mm

- Höjd ca 2500 mm
- Bredd ca 2500 mm
- Längd ca 7100 mm

- Arka skåp
- Bakgavellyft
- Säng

- Servad i egen regi
- Nya skivor och belägg vid 22000mil

Ansvarig Mäklare: Felix Smedberg
Tel nr: +46 73-089 80 43
Mail: felix.smedberg@maskinera.se
Important information

Important information

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It is not possible to make a complaint about an auction item that is stated to be functionally defective or as a spare parts item. Passenger cars and light trucks with an estimated value of less than SEK 40,000 are classified as defective/spare parts items and cannot be claimed.

Please note that all items auctioned on Maskinera.se are on site with the owner.

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