• Ends:
Closed auction

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Bud (1st)TimeBidders
32 000 SEK1


60 months
3 200 SEK10 %
Approximate monthly cost
The final monthly cost is individual and is determined after a credit check. The calculation is based on a 10% residual value. Read more about financing.

Marine engine Scania DI 16 42 V-8

Make & model:
Scania DI 16 42
Object number:

Technical information

Marine engine Scania DI 16 42 V-8

Make: Scania
Model: DI 16 42
Model year: 2012
Operating hours: approx. 6000/h
Serial number: 6513155
Engine power: 750 hp

- Electronic control system & Electronic gas included
- Has previously been on a pilot boat
- Starts and works fine according to the current owner
- Twindisc not included

Responsible Broker: Filip Multan
Tel no: +46 73-097 39 78
Mail: filip.multan@maskinera.se
Important information

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