• Ends:
Closed auction

Reservation price not reached

25% VAT will be added to the bid and the entry fee (720 SEK excl. VAT).
Bud (7st)TimeBidders
A10 500 SEK3
10 000 SEK4
A3 500 SEK3
3 000 SEK2


60 months
1 050 SEK10 %
Approximate monthly cost
The final monthly cost is individual and is determined after a credit check. The calculation is based on a 10% residual value. Read more about financing.

Material handling arm Large BM

Make & model:
SE Equipment Crane Jib
Object number:

Technical information

Material handling jib Stora BM

Make: SE Equipment
Model: Crane Jib
Year model: 2018
Attachment: Stora BM

-Weight 400 kg
-Width 1500 mm
-Height 777 mm
-Max Capacity 5000kg
-Min capacity 1500kg
-Max length 5010 mm
-Min length 3360 mm
-Max length 5010 mm

The material handling arm has no faults or defects and is only used once.

Responsible Broker: Andreas Einarsson
Tel nr: +46 73 034 94 30
Mail: andreas.einarsson@maskinera.se
Important information

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It is not possible to make a complaint about an auction item that is stated to be functionally defective or as a spare parts item. Passenger cars and light trucks with an estimated value of less than SEK 40,000 are classified as defective/spare parts items and cannot be claimed.

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