• Ends:
Closed auction

Reservation price not reached

25% VAT will be added to the bid and the entry fee (1 700 SEK excl. VAT).
Bud (26st)TimeBidders
58 000 SEK8
56 000 SEK10
54 000 SEK8
52 000 SEK10


60 months
5 800 SEK10 %
Approximate monthly cost
The final monthly cost is individual and is determined after a credit check. The calculation is based on a 10% residual value. Read more about financing.

Skotare Volvo BM Hemek 650

Make & model:
Volvo BM Hemek 650
Object number:

Broker rating

Äldre Skotare i fungerande bruksskick, brister förekommer, ombyggd vagn, Drivsystem mellan bakhjulsparen renoverade.
Vagnen kan vara bytt till en 350 vagn, något smalare och smidigare än originalet.

Går framåt: Ja
Går bakåt: Ja
Svänger höger: Ja
Svänger vänster: Ja
Fungerande kran: Ja

Kranen är dubbelverkande.

Anmärkningar: Kopplingen har fastnat vid uppstart kan startas med växel i (se video) okänt fel.

Technical information

Skotare Volvo BM Hemek 650

Märke: Hemek
Modell: 650 (Modifierad)
Fordonsår: Okänt, troligen tidigt 70-tal
Serienummer: 117
Motor: Volvo BM
Motoreffekt: 56kW
Växellåda: Manuell
Drivmedel: Diesel
Timräknare: 5406 okänd funktion.

-Piggkedjor i gott skick Axel 2.

Ansvarig Mäklare: Glenn Ohlsson
Tel nr: +46 73 027 24 54
Mail: glenn.ohlsson@maskinera.se
Important information

Important information

Remember that, as a buyer, you have a far-reaching obligation to investigate. When collecting the auction item, you are obliged to inform Maskinera if you feel that the item differs significantly from the presented auction documentation. Note that this must be done before the auction item leaves the site.

It is not possible to make a complaint about an auction item that is stated to be functionally defective or as a spare parts item. Passenger cars and light trucks with an estimated value of less than SEK 40,000 are classified as defective/spare parts items and cannot be claimed.

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